2011年10月10日 星期一


Methodological complexities of product carbon footprinting : a sensitivity analysis of key variables in a developing country context

Source: Environmental science & policy 13 ( 2010 ) 393 – 404
K. Plassmann ; N. Attarzadeh ; G. Edwards-Jones  School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography, Bangor University,, UK
A. Norton Renuables6 Well Street , Llanllechid, Gwynedd LL57 3HE, United Kingdom
M.P. Jensen,  P. Brenton World Bank, 1818 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20043, USA

Used sugar production in Zambia and Mauritius to test how variations in methodology affected the product carbon footprint (PCF).  PCF calculated according to PAS 2050 and explored the sensitivity of the results to the variation of key variables.
Results showed that land use change emissions can dominate PCFs. The largest potential impact came from assuming global worst case data for land use change emissions where a product’s origin is unknown (+1900%). The issue of land use change can lead to high carbon footprints for products from developing countries where more natural vegetation is still being converted and data are most lacking. When land use change is not important, variables such as electricity emission factors, capital inputs and loss of soil carbon had significant impacts on the PCF.
This analysis highlights the large effect of methodology on PCFs. These results are of particular concern for developing countries where data are scarce and the use of global worst case data may be prescribed. We recommend the development of more precise emission factors for tropical countries and bio-regions, and encourage the transparent use of PCF methodologies, where data sources, uncertainties and variability are explicitly noted.

  • 使用PAS 2050來計算熱帶區域得碳排必須特別注意土地利用變化排放量估算,而此一部份必需借重相關知識背景的專業;即便耗費35人天現場訪視/收集一手資料,對於生產系統的理解仍然不夠深入;而要走入現場收集第一手資料對於許多分析的而言可能不可行,連帶讓人質疑許多數據之間的比較和一些碳標籤宣稱的準確程度。
  • 土地用途變更產生的碳排放量極可能會主宰dominate熱帶國家的碳足跡,即便使用IPCC2006)指引,還是有相當大的錯誤估計空間;特別是涉及許多國家、不同土地生態植被的狀況。目前的計算方法只有考慮原始植被被變更成農地之後的所增加的碳排放量,卻不考慮一些長年生長農作物(咖啡、可可)的碳囤積(=反而可以減小土地的碳排放);顯示還需更多的研究與資料來修正和滿足實際的情境。我們也建議土地異動狀況未知時,此一部份的估計應使用國家別的最遭情境分析(=國家別的最大排放係數),而非全球的最糟情境分析(最大係數)
  • 另一個開發中國家產品碳足跡計算的問題對自於缺少的國家或地區特定排放系數,必須使用在已開發和工業化國家的排放系數,降低了分析的準確性。就分析比較和引導消費者使用環境友善的產品而言,碳足跡是有意義的工具,然而這必須建構在相關計算方式與計算參數能夠合理的反應出這些國家的生產系統。
  • 如果碳足跡清查的目的只是要鑑別生產流程中碳排放的熱點和進行改善(而非標示提供給消費者選擇比較),則目前計算方法的問題尚可忍受;但是如果能採用這些國家特定的係數來進行進算,更能適切的表達與反映改善的成效,幫助生產業者採取更精準的減碳措施。例如:本研究顯示,如果不考慮土地變更的碳排放,則資本(農機設備)投入等因素對於最終碳排放量的結果則會有更顯著的影響。(作者群)在此鼓勵盡量將碳足跡計算過程公開和透明,標註資料來源、不確定因素與可能的變異大小
  • 對於理解人類活動對於氣候的變遷的衝擊而言,碳會計(計算探足跡)和標示(產品碳標籤)機制雖然是好的,然而對於永續而言,它們不見得的是好的指標。(備註:因為存在衡量的偏誤與可能導致商業行為的扭曲)Although not analysed in this study, it is important to remember that while carbon accounting and labelling instruments are good for understanding the impacts of an activity on climate change, they are not necessarily good indicators of overall sustainability.
  • 一些降低碳足跡的措施可能造成反效果,而減少使用高碳足跡品的出口可能會衝擊許多貧窮國家人民的生計。For example, some measures that reduce GHG emissions might increase other environmental problems (Hospido et al., 2009), and a reduction of export opportunities for air freighted produce with a high PCF could impact on a large numbers of livelihoods in some of the poorest countries in the world (McGregor and Vorley, 2006

