2024年7月6日 星期六

Sin and Failure of Truth, Love, Justice

For the sins of our failures of truth

For pretending to emotions we do not feel;

for using the sins of others to excuse our own;

for denying our responsibility for our own misfortunes;

for refusing to admit our share in the troubles of others;

for condemning in our children the faults we tolerate in ourselves;

for condemning in our parents the faults we tolerate in ourselves;

for passing judgement without knowledge of the facts;

for remembering the price of things but forgetting their value;

for teaching our children everything but the meaning of life;

for loving our egos better than the truth.

我們在真理上的失敗與犯的罪 假裝我們沒有感受到罪惡

  • 用別人的罪來為自己的罪開脫;
  • 否認我們對自己不幸的責任; 
  • 拒絕承認我們對別人困難的責任; 
  • 譴責孩子犯了我們自己容忍的錯誤; 
  • 譴責父母犯了我們自己容忍的錯誤; 
  • 在不了解事實的情況下做出判斷; 
  • 記住事物的價格卻忘記它們的價值; 
  • 教導我們的孩子一切卻不教他們生命的意義; 
  • 愛自己(的自我與自尊)勝過愛真理。

For the sins of our failures of love

For using people as stepping stones to advancement;

for confusing love and lust;

for withholding love to control those we claim to love;

for hiding from others behind an armor of mistrust;

for treating with arrogance people weaker than ourselves;

for condescending towards those whom we regard as inferiors;

for shunting aside those whose age is an embarrassment to us;

for giving ourselves the fleeting pleasure of inflicting lasting hurts;

for cynicism which eats away our faith in the possibility of love.


  • 把人當作晉升的墊腳石; 
  • 混淆愛與慾望; 
  • 以愛之名來控制與PUA; 
  • 躲在不信任的盔甲後面; 
  • 對比我們弱的人傲慢; 
  • 對我們認為低於我們的人表現出居高臨下; 
  • 把那些年齡讓我們尷尬的人推到一邊; 
  • 為了給自己帶來短暫的快樂而造成持久的傷害; 
  • 玩世不恭侵蝕我們對愛的可能性的信仰的。


For the sins of our failures of justice

For the sin of false and deceptive advertising;

for the sin of keeping the poor in the chains of poverty;

for the sin of withholding justice from the world;

for the sin of racial hatred and prejudice;

for the sin of denying its existence;

for the sin of using violence to maintain our powers;

for the sin of using violence to bring about change;

for the sin of separating ends from means;

for the sin of threatening the survival of life on this planet;

for the sin of filling the common air with poisons;

for the sin of making our waters unfit to drink and unsafe for fish;

for the sin of pouring noxious chemicals upon trees and soil;

for the sin of aggressive war;

for the sin of appeasing aggressors;

for the sin of building weapons of mass destruction;

for the sin of obeying criminal orders;

for the sin of lacking civic courage;

for the sin of silence and indifference;

for running to do evil but limping to do good.


  • 虛假和欺騙性廣告 
  • 把窮人困在貧困鏈中; 
  • 從世界上剝奪正義; 
  • 種族仇恨和偏見; 
  • 否認公平正義的存在(只承認金錢與權勢); 
  • 用暴力維持我們權力; 
  • 用暴力帶來變革; 
  • 將目的與手段分離; 
  • 威脅這個星球上生命存續; 
  • 把毒物充滿空氣; 
  • 使我們的水不適合飲用和魚類不安全; 
  • 把有害化學品倒在樹木和土壤上; 
  • 發動侵略戰爭; 
  • 姑息侵略者; 製造大規模毀滅性武器; 
  • 服從犯罪命令; 
  • 缺乏公民勇氣; 
  • 沉默和冷漠; 
  • 急於作惡卻拖延行善。


