The association between the business cycle and the incidence of workplace injuries:
Evidence from the U.S.A.
Authors: Abay Asfaw , Regina Pana-Cryan, Roger Rosa(CDC與NIOSH的官員)
Source: Journal of Safety Research xxx (2010) xxx–xxx(等待出版發行)
The current study explored the association between the business cycle and the incidence of workplace injuries to identify cyclically sensitive industries and the relative contribution of physical capital and labor utilization within industries.
Bureau of Labor Statistics nonfatal injury rates from 1976 through 2007 were examined across five industry sectors with respect to several macroeconomic indicators. Within industries, injury associations with utilization of labor and physical capital over time were tested using time series regression methods.
Pro-cyclical associations between business cycle indicators and injury incidence were observed in mining, construction, and manufacturing but not in agriculture or trade. Physical capital utilization was the highest potential contributor to injuries in mining while labor utilization was the highest potential contributor in construction. In manufacturing each effect had a similar association with injuries.
The results suggest that firms in the construction, manufacturing, and mining industries should take additional precautionary safety measures during cyclical upturns. Potential differences among industries in the mechanisms through which the business cycle affects injury incidence suggest different protective strategies for those industries. For example, in construction, additional efforts might be undertaken to ensure workers are adequately trained and not excessively fatigued, while safety procedures continue to be followed even during boom times.
1. Introduction(摘錄)
Aggregate fluctuations in the economy, commonly known as the business cycle, affect a variety of factors that may directly or indirectly influence occupational safety and health. Several empirical studies support this assertion, demonstrating increases in work-related injuries and illnesses associated with increases in various business cycle indicators, such as the Gross Domestic Product (GDP; e.g., Davies, Jones, & Nuňez,
50 2009), capacity utilization (e.g., Bowers, 1981), and unemployment rate (e.g., Brooker, Frank, & Tarasuk, 1997). Workplace injuries measured directly as incidence rates (e.g., Boone & van Ours, 2006), or indirectly as workers’ compensation claims and costs (e.g., Shuford, 2008), showed similar associations.
In addition mechanisms through which the business cycle affects workplace injuries have been examined. Shea (1990) reported that injury rates were more cyclical in low labor turnover industries. Fairris (1998) observed that low worker bargaining power in manufacturing was associated with increased injury rates. Leigh (1985) and Boone and van Ours (2006) showed that injury rates increase during economic expansions because workers over-report.
Potential factors contributing to these trends during recessions include fewer inexperienced workers remaining employed, especially those in hazardous industries, and injured workers, who fear losing their jobs, deferring filing for workers’ compensation benefits. The pace of work also is slower and unsafe equipment may be used less frequently (IWH, 2009).
Surprisingly few studies have directly examined injury rates by industry sector on a national level, despite the fact that certain industries are more sensitive to the business cycle than others (e.g., Shuford, 2008). Among nine sectors examined by Davies et al. (2009), construction and manufacturing injury rates were most sensitive to the business cycle.
We know of no other such studies using national-level data. Consequently, we used national-level time series data from the United States to compare the impact of the business cycle on the incidence rate of workplace injuries among industries. We further examined human and physical capital utilization as broad mechanisms through which the business cycle affects the rate of injuries in those industries.
另外有要做這個研究的話:Boone & van Ours, 2006 這篇要找來看
2. Theoretical Framework
作者的研究架構與對於此一現象解釋的超讚彙整(Boone & van Ours, 2006; Kossoris, 1938; Robinson, 1988; Root & Hoefer, 1979).如圖一:
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分成勞工面(Labor)與機台設備面(Physical Capital)
勞工面之勞力組成(Labor Composition):較少新人、主要也是有經驗的勞工來進行作業
勞工面之勞動環境條件(Working condition):較多的訓練與休息時間、較少的高風險作業、單位時間的工作強度較低/較不疲勞、主管比較有空監督作業安全
機台設備面之產能利用(Working Below Capacity):有較多時間好好保養機臺、機台沒有操到極限、強調設備操作安全
機台設備面之機台使用(Use of New Machinery):請向於使用較安全、良好保養與熟悉的設備,同時也較少堆貨/趕出貨的狀況
另一派學者((Beale & Nethercott, 1988; Jenkins, MacDonald, Murray, & Strathdee, 1982; Mattiasson, Lindgfirde, Nilsson, & Theorell, 1990).的說法剛好相反:
景氣越差,事故率越高;理由與解釋為:Fear of layoffs during recession might also increase the stress of employees, which could increase the probability of injuries員工擔心被資遣的心理壓力,反而會造成不專心進而塑造出較高的事故傷害率,
firms have more resources during economic expansion to buy new and efficient equipment, train workers, and maintain equipment than during periods of economic contraction公司在景氣好,才行有餘力能購買新機臺、訓練員工與好好保養設備
During recession, troubled firms might also force layoffs, which could result in more hours, higher workloads, and more exposures for those who remain.
樣本選用景氣循環明顯的產業=>DRAM與TFTLCD都是不錯的選項,從中選擇幾家公司,用景氣好和景氣差的事故傷害率資料來跑paired的比較;或許更能釐清以上爭議, 也消弭掉不同產業間的特性差異
3. Method and Measurement of Variables
3. Method and Measurement of Variables
Eqs. (1) to (3) were not directly estimated since most economic time series variables are not stationary. Regressing non-stationary variables produces spurious results even if the sample size is very large (Granger & Newbold, 1974). To determine whether the variables were stationary, we used the augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test. The ADF (with constant) test revealed that the hypothesis of stationarity was rejected for most but not all of the variables. However, the first difference (the change score) of most variables was stationary. The ADF test results presented in Appendix 1 show that the first difference of the variables was stationary.
4. Results
4.1. The business cycle and workplace injuries
4.2. Cyclicity of workplace injuries by industry
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用主成分分析找出由GDP、Unemployment和industrial production index的主成分。
4.2. Cyclicity of workplace injuries by industry
接著表2 By不同行業來檢定四項總經指標與工傷率間的相關性
4.3. Business cycle mechanisms affecting workplace injuries
5. Discussion and conclusion(摘錄)
Between1976 and 2007, a 1% increase in real GDP was associated with a 1.6% increase in the incidence rate of workplace injuries. During the same time period, a similar increase in the industrial production index was associated with a 0.8% increase in the incidence rate of workplace injuries, while a 1% increase in the rate of unemployment was associated with a 0.2% decrease in the incidence rate of workplace injuries.
Additional analyses demonstrated an association of injuries with our estimate of physical capital utilization in mining and labor utilization in construction. In manufacturing, injury rates were sensitive to both physical capital and labor utilization. A 1% increase in physical capital utilization in mining was associated with a 1.49% increase in the incidence of workplace injuries.
Overall, the results appear consistent with previous studies but potential biases may limit their interpretation. First, physical capital input was measured indirectly. Second, due to lack of data and multicollinearity problem, demographic, regulatory, and socio-economic variables that may affect the incidence of workplace injuries were not analyzed. Third, we only examined nonfatal injuries that may be influenced by reporting effects.
First, employers in construction, manufacturing, and mining should be aware of the strong association between the business cycle and the incidence of injuries, which would point to the need for additional safety measures during expansions. Second, the mechanism through which the business cycle affects the incidence of workplace injuries was not the same across different industries, which points to the need for different prevention measures in each of the industries we examined.
In future research, fatal injuries could be examined to understand their sensitivity to the business cycle. Additional analyses could be conducted using industry-specific rather than economy-wide variables as business cycle indicators. This might be especially important to better understand industries, such as agriculture, that seem to be insensitive to economy-wide fluctuations. Capacity utilization could be modeled using more specific variables such as new equipment purchases. Lastly, but importantly, the validity of the mechanisms we portrayed in Fig. 1 could be empirically tested.