2022年2月19日 星期六

MIT OCW- Introduction to Environmental Policy and Planning









Scenario 1:

Federal Environmental Policy-Making

Federal environmental policy-making in the context of the scientific and political considerations

What are the most important things to consider - in political and technical terms - and what are your suggestions regarding how and why the Senator might rate or rank each factor? 身為助理,如何協助參議員評估相關法案,評估的準則與框架是?







研究的可信度(peer review)?研究機構的利益迴避?








Scenario 3

Policy Evaluation

You are a senior policy analyst on the staff of the Secretary of the Interior's office. You have been asked to review a series of studies produced by the conservative Heritage Society that argue quite strenuously that command-and-control policies that were used to protect air quality, water quality, and endangered species for several decades are no longer needed.

Please list the steps you would take to ensure the credibility of the study in the eyes of the scientific community, the environmental advocacy community, the business community, and Congress.





1.找公正的研究機關進行scientific measurements and benchmarks (欸,可惜科學不是萬能,常常緩不濟急)






Scenario 4

Comparative Policy Analysis


They will fund you to make separate two-week trips to each of those three parts of the world. You can bring along one of your senior staff members. Obviously, you can collect any information you need before you go.


1.Who do you want to see in each country and what do you want to try to find out?

2.What problems do you anticipate with regard to making sense of what you are told and what you observe?

3.What problems do you anticipate with regard to generalizing across your findings from the other regions of the world? Your board expects you to enumerate the opportunities for and the obstacles to cross-contextual learning.

4.To what extent do you think that your findings will reveal ideas and strategies that will be helpful in the United States? What makes you think so?

5.How ought you to deal with the skeptics on your board who feel that the laws, customs, regulations, ecosystems, and political systems in each country are too different for anything useful to come of a comparative analysis?



3P place, policies, and people.


最好的土地被拿去做什麼用途? 開發與保育之間如何取捨? 不同區段的開發限制

Policy 影響土地開發與利用的政策與法規


People 當地居民(對於土地)的文化傳統



對於政策比較而言,還需關注與反思:為什麼bench mark的是這些國家?










Scenario 5

The Precautionary Principle

Cass Sunstein and precautionary principle


Precautionary Principle


這個原則的問題在於:The principle is literally paralyzing— forbidding inaction, stringent regulation, and everything in between. (=也阻礙了各種創新與可能)


Utilitarian ethics is no longer important because what's important is how you value the mistakes that you could make. A type I error comes when you've failed to regulate something, and it later comes out to be worse than you thought or at the tails of the distribution of what you're thinking. A type II error is where you regulate, and

things turn out to be not as bad as you thought and then impose a higher cost upon.

But there's a type III error which is you're working on the wrong problem. . What happens is you end up coming face to face with a substitute, with an alternative technology, with alternative ways to meet the public needs.







1.     成本:多少?承擔的是誰?不確定性(無法評估效益大小,或者是用$計價的那些)

2.     效益:多少?承擔的是誰?不確定性?

以上成本效益間的取捨通常很難量化、得到絕對答案,你只能宣稱引用precautionary principle透過制定法規來給個交代,而法規就是一種成本與誘因,改變了利害關係者行為


重點在於open your mind keep your option open!

Look for alternatives----that both reduce the risk and create a variety of alternatives.




Scenario 6

Philosophical underpinnings of sustainable development.





而非經濟成長(economic growth is simply a measure of total resource throughput. It says nothing about happiness, health, safety, or sense of community within a region.




經濟成長(economic growth經濟發展(economic development

Development is the quality of improvement of resource efficiency within a region. To invest in projects that promote development in poor countries is to invest in projects that allow people to produce more with the resources they already have.






1.in the long run, we all die.(好漢不吃眼前虧、政治寧短多長空)






Scenario 7

Local Knowledge vs. Expert Knowledge


Assume you work for the Navajo Environmental Agency. You want to be sure that "local knowledge" about the adverse effects of uranium mining in Navajo Nation is given serious consideration when and if the U.S. government or its industry partners tries to revive uranium mining. How would you go about capturing this knowledge and ensuring that it is taken seriously? Undoubtedly, you will be up against public health and other experts who will claim that the adverse impacts of uranium mining were minimal, or if they did occur it was only because the proper rules and regulations were ignored. What is your "theory" about the best ways to incorporate indigenous knowledge into public policymaking?


1. develop a task force that will be in charge of mobilizing community members and spearheading an outreach program to let our community know about the efforts to

reduce local knowledge about the health impacts of the uranium mining.

2. reach out to the scientific community for local partners

3. facilitate the conversation around the type of data we should collect with members of the scientific community and our own community.

4. train researchers within our community to conduct face-to-face interviews in English and Navajo.

5. pair community researchers with members of the scientific community to analyze and interpret findings in a language that can be understood within the scientific community but also within our own community.

6. Finally, the task force should pair with members of the scientific community to release findings to local media, environmental organizations, and to the broader public. Our strategy then is to ensure that our community is knowledgeable about the impacts of uranium mining so that we can understand the full impact of opening our

lands up again and to be able to translate what we have suffered in our own language and technical language necessary to make people sit up and take notice of us.



Scenario 8

Environmental Impact Assessment






Scenario 9

Cost-Benefit Analysis


The governor has asked you to outline a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis that can be done to help answer all these questions. How should benefits and costs in this case be defined? What, in your view, are the most important costs and benefits to focus on in the study? What should be the time frame and the geographic scope of the study? How should the governor handle the question of the inequitable distribution of benefits and costs associated with re-use of the site?


1. the willingness to pay or willingness to accept.兩碼子事情(意見調查與公投無效),所以經濟學只講willingness to pay的價格而非動機與意願(接不接受的起毛雞與情緒表達無法衡量…)

2.成本效益分析多半根本不夠完整- 針對可量化的經濟效益,至於難以量化的(成本與效益)那就….

3.成本效益分析當中常會提到創造OO就業機會,然而就業機會的增減,其實取決於總體經濟景氣再者就業率的增減通常是透過電腦計算的均衡方程式,一來大家看不見均衡方程式背後的假設,二來如果就業市場達均衡,其實無法提高就業率(If labor markets clear, you don't create net jobs by putting people to work.),三來每個執政者都希望提高就業率,而執政者的決策卻又不單只是依據就業率的提高與創造的就業人口數(還有其他考量)


5.誰付出成本與誰獲得利益也是兩碼子事情,而通常就公共政策而言,討論的議題通常為「是否值得國家社會來做這件事?」而非「各位納稅人是否同意國家用你繳的稅來做OOXX? or「你是否同意由OO來支付XX所需的費用」,付出最多的不見得是受益最多的,利益如何分配?…(羊毛出在豬身上,污染者受益…e.g., 低收入戶社會住宅,菸品健康稅)


7.折現率的問題,對於日後的成本與效益,透過設定折現率轉換成為淨現值(可以加以比較成本vs效益),這個未來與現在的匯率(=折現率)該如何設定?折現率反應的是一種對於風險的偏好與價值取捨、貨幣的通膨貶值、利率機會成本與你日後對於金錢價值的偏好(You don't know what the future wants. You don't know what the future's willingness to pay will be.)

8. 當折現率vs 潛伏期與發病率: What if 給你每個月5000+保障優先僱用在地居民,但污染工廠設在你家附近,30年後,附近居民罹癌的機率可能高於平均值30-60% ?

9.基於以上幾點,成本效益分析只是一堆看似合理的假設,反映出執行這個分析的人眼中,何謂合理;而依據這個成本效益分析所進行的決策,也塑造出下一代的價值基準:寧保育而不追求$的,下一代自然會視保育為優先價值;追求$與經濟利益的,下一代會視經濟成長為優先價值決擇(there's a circularity in that what we do today will actually create the future's preferences)

10.成本效益分析就是塑造與改變未來(成本效益分析呈現的就是一種價值偏好,而非價值中立!)So there is no way actually to do something from a hypothesis about what the future prefers, because not only do they not exist yet, but we will create them.






Scenario 10

Societal Risk Assessment

The city of Boston has an active LNG (liquified natural gas) facility very close to the heart of downtown. For part of the year, huge tankers bring super-cooled natural gas several times a month right through Boston Harbor. While they are offloading and re-gasifying the supplies, they run the risk that a gas leak might be ignited by an unintended spark and cause a massive fire or catastrophic explosion. Natural gas is a crucial element of Boston's power supply and LNG is a key component.

How would you make your case for a new risk assessment to the relevant state and regional agencies who have formal oversight responsibility?





1.the risk assessment assumes that everything possible to manage these risks is being done. It doesn't leave any possibility for human error or negligence, or any mistakes happening. However, there's very little evaluation to ensure that all of these safety

measures are being taken 100% of the time.

2. There's site visits by the regulatory agency only several times a year, and these are

announced ahead of time. So they don't accurately reflect whether the safety measures are being taken day in and day out.



2.視風險的發生為必然,人會犯錯/設備會故障(風險值不會如理論值那麼小assume that some degree of human error will occur and that safety measures will not be followed all the time- 透過該產業過去的歷史數據作為估算失誤率/失效率的基礎)


4 .廠商提交安全管理計畫(PSM),讓官員的督導有所依據



Scenario 11

Ecosystem Services Analysis




Scenario 12

Public Participation Techniques and Strategies




Scenario 13

Regional Consensus Building




Scenario 14

Environmental Dispute Resolution

