2016年2月27日 星期六




PART 4 環遊世界

2016年2月20日 星期六


是說講安全文化的很多(特別是一些外商公司),國內也有不少從事安全文化與氣候研究的老師,理論陳述、組成構面與SEM model言之鑿鑿、合情合理 





在以上先進與專家的分享和指導下,關於安全文化與氣候的樣貌(“What” is safety culture),大家已經得到不錯的觀念與認知 





2016年2月13日 星期六

2016年2月6日 星期六


1968 UCLA擔任醫學院生理學教授

It’s said that if you want to understand a person and you are permitted to ask them only two questions permitting only one-word answers, the two most important questions to pose are: “Where were you born?” and “When were you born?” 

One of the basic lessons of life that I learned from New Guinea is an attitude towards risks -- specifically, towards doing things that involve very low risks each time you do them, but that you're going to do hundreds or thousands of times.  A "Eureka moment" came one afternoon when I picked a campsite in the jungle underneath a tall, dead tree.   I was surprised how frightened the New Guineans with me were of sleeping under that dead tree that night. When they said that the tree might fall down, I answered, "Look, it's not going to fall down tonight."  But after hearing stories of New Guineans killed by dead trees, and after hearing trees fall down in the jungle, I gradually realized that, if you're going to spend every night of your life in the jungle and you are not careful about dead trees, sooner or later that low-risk event of a dead tree falling on you will catch up with you.

Another basic lesson of life that I learned from New Guinea was how to deal with apparently hopeless situations.  When I first went out there, I encountered quite a few life-threatening situations, where I thought that the next day I wouldn't be alive.   When those situations first arose, they were paralyzing; I didn't know how to deal with them, or to deal with myself while in them.   Gradually, as I survived one after another of those situations, and I then found myself in yet another life-threatening situation where I didn't see how I would be alive the next day, I was able to tell myself: "Well, you've been before in situations that seemed to have no possible solution, and somehow the next day you've woken up still alive. 

Working in academia, and writing about geography and environmental history, are things that I love.  It's not work: it’s fun.   I happen to get paid for that fun, but if someone tomorrow gave me ten million dollars, I would continue my job as professor of geography at UCLA, because it's what I most enjoy.  In retrospect, if I had known at Roxbury Latin School that I wanted to end up as a historian or geographer, I think I still would have followed the trajectory that I did.  I would have prepared myself by studying biology, because from it I learned the comparative method, which is valuable both in field biology and in history.  Languages are important tool for understanding history. Understanding the New Guinean lifestyle has been important for me in understanding the lifestyles of peoples around the world, throughout history.  And so what I actually did for 45 years, although it wasn't geography or history, was good unplanned preparation for my present career in geography and history.  Already from Roxbury Latin School also came my love of writing. Writing lets me spend time reading up on all these interesting things, going to the effort of trying to understand them and to explain them to myself, and then explaining them to others in the same way in which I have tried to explain them to myself.