2011年2月1日 星期二

Paper:Identification of OHS-related factors and interactions

Identification of OHS-related factors and interactions among those and OHS performance in SMEs

SourceSafety Science 49 (2011) 216–225
Authors: Enrico Cagno, Guido J.L. Micheli , Sara Perotti

An enterprise can modify several factors that impact on the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) performance.
Within the implementation of the E-merging project (financed by INAIL, the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Occupational Accidents) – to improve safety in Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) – development context, a thorough literature review, supported by later practitioners’ suggestions, has been performed in order to identify the factors which can be related to the OHS issue.
Then, the mutual interactions among the identified OHS-related factors and the interactions among the OHS-related factors and the OHS performance have been identified for SMEs and tested on the basis of two existing data sources, i.e. the INAIL most recent dataset and a survey carried out among SMEs in the metalworking industry. This allows to understand the root causes of some evidences, which enables entrepreneurs and managers to plan interventions for the improvement of the OHS performance.


1. Introduction
1.1. OHS issue and SMEs                  
There is evidence to show that SMEs do not manage health and safety as effectively as large enterprises.中小企業職安衛績效較大企業差的現象
This is generally due to a limitation – with respect to LEs (大企業)– of human, economic and technological resources (Micheli and Cagno (2010) and Beaver (2003)
Small Enterprises lack of capacity to assess and control risks in an effective way. (Hasle and Limborg (2006) and Champoux and Brun (2003)
The role of the low level of occurrence of accidents and injuries a SME can experience lowers risk perception, alters approach to risk control and changes the management priorities. Thus, only large severity accidents and injuries can have a beneficial and long term impact on OHS management system, but it can often be too late to intervene.  Hasle et al. (2009)
The characteristics of SMEs are so different that it is terribly difficult and expensive for general preventive efforts to reach all SMEs (Walters, 2001) and become effective with a SME manager has to face in the day-by-day enterprise running are plain: in SMEs he/she is often also the owner and has no (or a very little) team to deal with all the company activities. 

1.2. The E-merging project (see also Micheli and Cagno (2010))
This is also coherent with the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (2004) and Tait and Walker (1998), who state that a simple but adequate system of safety management for SMEs is necessary but hard to achieve; and also with Walters (2001), who states that it is difficult and expensive for preventive efforts to reach all SMEs.

2. Identification of OHS-related factors and interactions(摘錄)
2.1. Factors and interactions from literature review
The literature review gave as an output a referenced list (Table 1) of the OHS-related factors for which at least one interaction is empirically proven (i.e. that has a robust evidence of existence).
In Appendix A, a brief description of all the factors is provided.



2.2. Factors and interactions from an expert panel review
The panel of experts was composed of twelve practitioners of different expertise and coming from different knowledge fields, but with a specific experience related to SMEs:
[1] occupational medicine: two experts – 10–26 years expertise;
[1] health and industrial hygiene: six experts – 8–34 years expertise;
[1] OHS managers: four experts – 10–24 years expertise.
At the first step experts were separately interviewed and asked to identify all of company OHS-related factors and their interactions and interactions among those and OHS performance in SMEs.  Experts also tried to bundle the factors into groupings in order to identify different areas of competence and responsibility to manage in a SME.  They identified the following groupings: management, company characteristics, safety climate, indexes, working environment and manpower characteristics. In Table 2, column 3, groupings the factors belong to are reported.

2的前面3欄和表1 相同
其中第2/3欄(* 代表專家認為兩者間的關聯性可能不存在


中間的的Indexes包含三項變數(MEI, Frequency, Magnitude) 代表安全的產出績效
其他ManagementSafety ClimateCompany CharacteristicManpower Management & Working Environment And Manpower Characteristic 等五大方塊,應該代表解釋安全績效的因素

3.1. The INAIL dataset
The first test makes reference to the full dataset of the years 2003–2005 (i.e. the newest and complete data available for Italy) that INAIL – territorial office of Lecco – has given Politecnico diMilano the exclusive right for using the most recent and completedataset available for the years 2003–2005 for data analysis. Of course, only data related to SMEs were considered. Unfortunately, no statistic analysis could be performed on the frequency (which should be aggregated at company level), due to privacy reasons.
3.2. A survey among SMEs in the metalworking industry
The questionnaire was administered to 396 SMEs in the metalworking sector of the Province of Lecco (Northern Italy), containing closed-format questions and divided into three main sections – (1) the role of safety in the enterprise, (2) policies and guidelines for safety management and risk prevention, and (3) critical economic, legislative and operational issues, accident rate (frequency), more urgent interventions.
The response rate was 27.5%, consisting of 84 Small- and Micro-sized Enterprises and 25 Medium-sized Enterprises.
On the basis of the available data, the test was carried out in two ways: single interactions among OHS-factors, then multiple interactions with respect to frequency, have been considered.
On the other hand, it has been possible to statistically test through ANOVA the impact of the following factors (in alphabetical order)on the magnitude of the accidents:
[1] age;
[1] company scale;
[1] employment contract (specifically, ‘temporary job’);
[1] gender;
[1] sector;
[1] task;
[1] working time (specifically, ‘day of the week’).
For the ANOVA, accidents ‘‘in itinere” and with a magnitude lesser than three lost days were not considered (in order to possibly avoid respectively bias and underreporting).
The single interactions – using the Fisher–Freeman–Halton non-parametric test. 
have been considered on the basis of the available data:
[1] company scale vs. resources;
[1] company scale vs. risk analysis, inspections and audit;
[1] management commitment vs. communication and feed-back
[1] management commitment vs. training;
[1] resources vs. equipment quality;
[1] resources vs. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) usage and
[1] resources vs. training;
[1] training vs. correct operative procedures;
[1] training vs. PPE usage and status.
As for the multiple interactions – using ANOVA – between ‘frequency’ and the OHS-factors, the following factors (in alphabetical order) have been considered:
[1] clear task definition;
[1] company scale
[1] correct operative procedures;
[1] equipment quality;
[1] PPE usage and status;
[1] management commitment;
[1] non-EU workers;
[1] risk analysis, inspections and audit;
[1] sub-sectors (i.e. ‘sector’): machining, metallurgic, machine
construction, facilities, electronic and electro-mechanical;
[1] training.

4. Results and discussion
As for the ANOVA results reported in Table 3 (‘OHS-factors’ –magnitude’ from database INAIL),



雖然有哪些因素影響安全績效與如何發生影響的機制是一個black box(與學者各說各話),但是這個研究好歹已經整理出一些頭緒

5. Conclusion and further research
magnitude” of accidents – usually less investigated than ‘frequency’: a number of factors seem to have a significant influence (‘age’, ‘company scale’, ‘employment contract’, gender’, ‘sector’, ‘task’, ‘working time’). As far as this is concerned,
three new interactions with ‘magnitude’ have been empirically confirmed – ‘gender’, ‘task’, and ‘working time’. This is particularly interesting, because from a OHS management point of view, while ‘gender’ and ‘task’ are not assessed as factors on which is simple to intervene in the SME context, the ‘working time’ factor can be easily exploited as a powerful leverage.
As for the five ‘OHS-factors’ interactions already tested in literature namely, ‘company scale-risk analysis, inspections and audit’, ‘management commitment-communication and feed-back system’, ‘management commitment-training’, ‘training-correct operative procedures’, ‘training-PPE usage and status’, they have been confirmed. Nevertheless, it has to be pointed out that from
a SME OHS management point of view, only the ‘training’ factor with the two interactions with ‘correct operative procedures’ and PPE usage and status’ seems to be interesting.
As for the interactions ‘OHS-factors’ and ‘frequency’, it is noteworthy that the five out of six interactions already tested in literature namely, ‘clear task definition’, ‘company scale’, management commitment’, ‘sub-sector’ and ‘training’ – are confirmed, but only ‘clear task definition’ and ‘training’ are factors
on which is simple to intervene in SMEs. In addition, a new interaction (‘PPE usage and status’) is confirmed by the statistical validation and this factor is also one on which is simpler to intervene.

1.      非常宏觀=>相較於幾家公司的安全文化量測
2.      整合了四大面向的資料來源=>文獻的研究資料、專家學者的意見、整個義大利2003-2005的資料、還有金屬業的調查資料

而另外這個研究未來要去面對的罩門與裂縫在於:如何把管理安全氣候這兩大因素進行無縫接合與整合;這裡Management的衡量是一家公司發一份問卷,大概看訓練、資源投入、管理承諾與作業安全程序等幾個問項(沒提到是Y es or No亦或五點尺度);而一般安全氣候的衡量,反而是針對公司內不同職務與階層發放問卷,則麼樣才算與代表該公司的整體安全氣候?
