2015年10月24日 星期六

HRM Architecture (2)


很多人資實務工作人員(受到老闆影響還是學校教的錯誤觀念?) 眼中只有$沒有人




Six Dangerous Myths About Pay
Jeffrey Pfeffer 


Every day, organizational leaders confront decisions about pay.
Should they adjust the company's compensation system to encourage some set of behaviors? Should they retain consultants to help them implement a performance-based pay system?
How large a raise should they authorize? 

In general terms, these kinds of questions come down to four decisions about compensation:
  •  how much to pay employees;
  • how much emphasis to place on financial compensation as a part of the total reward system;
  • how much emphasis to place on attempting to hold down the rate of pay; and
  •  whether to implement a system of individual incentives to reward differences in performance and productivity and, if so, how much emphasis to place on these incentives.

Labor rates often appear to be a company's most malleable financial variable. It seems a lot quicker and easier to cut wages than to control costs in other ways, like reconfiguring manufacturing processes, changing corporate culture, or altering product design. Because labor costs appear to be the lever closest at hand, managers mistakenly assume it is the one that has the most leverage.
Most merit-pay systems share two attributes: they absorb vast amounts of management time and make everybody unhappy.
If you could reliably measure and reward individual contributions, organizations wouldn’t be needed.
First, much to the surprise of people who have spent too much time reading economics, empirical evidence from numerous studies indicates that the extent of free riding is quite modest.
Second, individuals do not make decisions about how much effort to expend in a social vacuum; they are influenced by peer pressure and the social relations they have with their workmates.
Enchantment with individual merit pay reflects not only the belief that people won't work effectively if they are not rewarded for their individual efforts but also the related view that the road to solving organizational problems is largely paved with adjustments to pay and measurement practices.
The first, and perhaps most obvious, suggestion is that managers would do well to keep the difference between labor rates and labor costs straight. In doing so, remember that only labor costs and not labor rates - are the basis for competition, and that labor costs may not be a major component of total costs.
In any event, managers should remember that the issue is not just what you pay people, but also what they produce.
Managers should see what happens when they include a large dose of collective rewards in their employees' compensation package. The more aggregated the unit used to measure performance, the more reliably performance can be assessed. One can tell pretty accurately how well an organization, or even a subunit, has done with respect to sales, profits, quality, productivity, and the like. Trying to parcel out who, specifically, was responsible for exactly how much of that productivity, quality, or sales is frequently much more difficult or even impossible.
Pay cannot substitute for a working environment high on trust, fun, and meaningful work. If you came for money, you would leave for money, and you wanted employees who were there because they liked the work, the culture, and the people, not money-that every company could offer. Emphasizing pay as the primary reward encourages people to come and to stay for the wrong reason.
Managers must also recognize that pay has substantive and symbolic components. In signaling what and who in the organization is valued, pay both reflects and helps determine the organization's culture. Therefore, managers must make sure that the messages sent by pay practices are intended. Managers must make sure that the messages sent by pay practices are intended. Talking about teamwork and cooperation and then not having a group-based component to the pay system matters because paying solely on an individual basis signals what the organization believes is actually
important-individual behavior and performance.
Making pay practices public also sends a powerful symbolic message. Some organizations reveal pay distributions by position or level. A few organizations, actually make data on individual pay available to all members who are interested. Other organizations try to maintain a high level of secrecy about pay. What message do those organizations send? Keeping salaries secret suggests that the organization has something to hide or that it doesn't trust its people with the information. Moreover, keeping things secret just encourages people to uncover the secrets-if something is worth hiding, it must be important and interesting enough to expend effort discovering. Pay systems that are more open and transparent send a positive message about the equity of the system and the trust that the company places in its people.
Actually talking to people about what is important and why, rather than trying to send some subtle signals through the compensation system!
Perhaps most important, leaders must come to see pay for what it is: just one element in a set of management practices that can either build or reduce commitment, teamwork, and performance.
Three Lessons Learned in This Article:
3.賺錢難省錢難(do thing right),懂得用錢更難(do the right thing)
Performance Evaluation and Pay for Performance
Sara L. Rynes; Barry Gerhart; Laura Parks
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2005. 56:571–600
Three Motivation Theories
Maslow’s need hierarchy theory (1943)
Maslow hypothesized that these higher-order needs are more likely to be met through engagement in meaningful work than through monetary rewards. Although Maslow did not view need satisfaction as an all-or-nothing process (i.e., a person could simultaneously be motivated to varying degrees by needs at different levels), the expectation was that on average, all people progress through the hierarchy in roughly the same manner, and that as people move up the hierarchy, pay becomes less important.
Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory(1957)
Herzberg posited that money was more likely to be a hygienic” factor—i.e., one capable of causing or reducing dissatisfaction—than a satisfying or motivating one. Thus, Herzberg believed that money played a role in creating or reducing dissatisfaction, but not in contributing to satisfaction or motivation.
Deci & Ryan’s cognitive evaluation theory (CET, 1975)
CET argues that placing strong emphasis on monetary rewards is likely to decrease people’s intrinsic interest (i.e., interest in the work itself), thus dampening a potentially powerful alternative source of motivation. Deci and his colleagues have tended to argue that the net effect of monetary rewards on intrinsic interest is generally negative. However, Ryan et al. (1983) propose that the overall effects of pay on intrinsic interest depend on the information embedded in pay outcomes. Specifically, they argue that intrinsic interest is likely to be impaired to the extent that information about rewards is seen to be controlling. However, to the extent that pay provides meaningful information regarding self-competence in contexts where people have discretion in choosing how to perform tasks, then monetary rewards can actually increase intrinsic interest. Thus, in statements of CET theory that are more complex, the net effect of rewards on intrinsic interest depends on the relative impact of monetary rewards on perceived control versus perceived self-competence.
Split Roles” in Performance Evaluation
PE has two distinct functions: to develop employees through such mechanisms as feedback and goal setting, and to evaluate employees for purposes of making administrative decisions (e.g., pay increases or promotions; Murphy & Cleveland 1995). Meyer and colleagues (1965) argued that these two functions of performance appraisal should be kept completely separate from one another—that is, evaluations of performance and discussions of pay should be separated in time from discussions of how to improve (or “develop”) performance.
Interviews designed primarily to improve a person’s performance should not at the same time weigh his or her salary or promotion in the balance. . .. It seems foolish to have a manager serving the self-conflicting role as counselor (helping someone improve performance) when, at the same time, he or she is presiding as a judge over the same employee’s salary action” (Meyer et al. 1989, p. 26).
Kluger & DeNisi’s Feedback Intervention Theory
FIs change the locus of attention among 3 general and hierarchically organized levels of control: task learning, task motivation, and meta-tasks (including self-related) processes. The results suggest that FI effectiveness decreases as attention moves up the hierarchy closer to the self and away from the task. These findings are further moderated by task characteristics that are still poorly understood


Multisource (360-Degree) Performance Evaluation Research

Multi source feedback is seen as potentially more useful than supervisor only evaluations in modern-day work environments, which increasingly incorporate team-based production, organizational structures that are more flat, and work organized around horizontal rather than vertical flows. In addition, because 360-degree feedback is gathered from multiple individuals, feedback reliability and validity may be substantially improved over the typical supervisor-only evaluation.

Results across these studies show that individuals generally improve their performance following 360-degree feedback, at least in terms of subsequent ratings by the same observers. However, average effect sizes generally appear to be modest. Most studies also show wide variations in improvement across individuals.

As such, it is important to examine personal or organizational factors that may moderate responses to multisource feedback.



Performance Measure

Behavior-Based (Subjective) versus Results-Based (Objective)Measures

Turning to the first question, subjective behavior-oriented measures (such as traditional PE ratings) offer a number of potential advantages relative to results-based measures (Gerhart 2000).

First, they can be used for any type of job.

Second, they permit the rater to factor in variables that are not under the employee’s control but nevertheless influence performance.

Third, they permit a focus on whether results are achieved using acceptable means and behaviors.

Fourth, they generally carry less risk of measurement deficiency, or the possibility that employees will focus only on explicitly measured tasks or results at the expense of broader pro-social behaviors, organizational citizenship behaviors, or contextual performance.

The subjectivity of behavior-oriented measures limits their ability to differentiate employees (Murphy & Cleveland 1995).

In addition, meta-analytic evidence finds a mean interrater reliability of only 0.52 for performance ratings (Viswesvaran et al. 1996), making it difficult for organizations to justify differentiating employees based on such error-laden performance measures (360-degree appraisals may be helpful in this regard).

The subjectivity in these PE measures has led the PE literature to focus on identifying cognitive biases in evaluation (in hopes of reducing them) and examining how various features of PE measures (and PE-related processes) influence employees’ perceptions of fairness (in hopes of improving PE’s legitimacy and effectiveness; e.g., Folger & Konovsky 1989).

Results-oriented measures of performance, such as productivity, sales volume, shareholder return, and profitability, would seem to provide an antidote to the subjectivity and unreliability of performance ratings.

Nevertheless, such measures are not available for most jobs, at least at the individual level. Moreover, agency theory emphasizes that results-based plans (such as gain- or profit-sharing) increase risk bearing among employees (Gibbons 1998).

The consequences of risk bearing may go unnoticed when performance (e.g., profitability) is good and a PFP plan is paying out, but can quickly become a major employee relations issue when results decline and payoffs go down. If poor organizational results are perceived as being strongly influenced by factors that are beyond employees’ control (e.g., poor decisions by top executives), feelings of injustice can be strong.

Finally, even though results-based measures are objective and possibly more reliable, they may also be more deficient as indicators of the full domain of expected performance.


Individual versus Group (or Collective) Performance

While the potential pitfalls of individually based PFP are important, the literature is quite clear that group-based plans also have their own drawbacks.

One is that most employees (at least in the United States) prefer that their pay be based on individual rather than group performance.

Another is that this preference is strongest among the most productive and achievement-oriented employees. This means that group-based pay may also have unfavorable sorting effects, causing the highest performers to choose alternative opportunities where individual results will be rewarded more heavily. Yet another drawback has to do with weakened incentive effects: “Unless the number of individuals in a group is quite small, or unless there is coercion or some other special device to make individuals act in their common interest, rational self-interested individuals will not act to achieve their common or group interests”

Three Lessons Learned in This Article:
