2015年10月10日 星期六

HRM Architecture (1)


站在HR學術巨人的肩膀上,看看如何Framing (這抽象的)人力資源管理




The Human Resource Architecture: Toward a Theory of Human Capital Allocation and Development

Author(s): David P. Lepak and Scott A. Snell

Source: The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 24, No. 1 (Jan., 1999), pp. 31-48






transaction cost economics =>make-or-buy(自己招募培養或外包)








human capital theory,



Employee skills can be classified as core or peripheral assets (區分核心與非核心的技能,這是正確還是誤謬的觀念!?)

Value as the ratio of strategic benefits to customers derived from skills relative to the costs incurred(所謂的value其實是因時因地而有所差異)employees can add value if they can help firms offer lower costs or provide increased benefits to customers.(非常經濟的觀點…)

Practices as team-based production and unique operational procedures that lead to enhanced social complexity, causal ambiguity, and the development of tacit knowledge will enhance the uniqueness of a firm's human capital.


resource-based view of the firm,

這些所謂human capital & resource對於企業營收與競爭力的影響與貢獻,其實是 indirect 而非direct!


Value 交易成本的觀點(strategic benefit exceeds the managerial and bureaucratic costs associated with their development and deployment.具備創造客戶利益價值)Uniqueness 人力資源與RBV的觀點(firm-specific) 來歸納組織人力資源發展策略的原則 




結合了交易成本, human capitalRBV,用ValueUniqueness來說明人力資源策略的一般性定位與區分 


所謂的動態變化(Fig 3) 其實是見人見智




Understanding human resource management in the context of organizations and their environments

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 1995.46:237-64

Susan E. Jackson; Randall S. Schuler


HRM cover 的幾個理論

General System Theory(投入產出,刺激與反應,個體微觀)Skills and abilitiesinput=>employee behaviorsthroughput=>employee satisfaction and performanceoutput
HRM subsystem functions to acquire, utilize, retain, and displace competencies.



Role Behavior Perspective(角色扮演、組織期待)
This perspective shifts the focus from individuals to social systems characterized by multiple roles, multiple role senders, and multiple role evaluators.

role behaviors as "the recurring actions of an individual, appropriately interrelated with the repetitive activities of others so as to yield a predictable outcome."

Role theory recognizes that the behavioral expectations of all role partners can influence the behavior of organizational members.

A role theory perspective assumes individuals respond to normative pressures as they seek approval for their performance in socially defined roles. 


Institutional Theory(制度型塑組織)
institutional theory views organizations as social entities that seek approval for their performances in socially constructed environments.

Pressures emanating from the internal and external environments. Internally, institutionalization arises out of formalized structures and processes, as well as informal or emergent group and organization processes. Forces in the external environment include those related to the state (e.g. laws and regulations), the professions (e.g. licensure and certification), and other organizations.


A. Institutionalized activities are resistant to change=> HRM activities have deep historical roots in the organization, so they cannot be understood completely without analyzing the organization's past.組織的慣性與不易改變

B. organizations in institutionalized environments are pressured to become similar=> HRM activities may be adopted by an organization simply because other organizations have done so.(模仿別人是低風險的作法)

Resource Dependence Theory(利益交換與依賴)
resource dependence theory focuses on the relationship between an organization and its constituencies. However, resource dependence theory emphasizes resource exchanges as the central feature of these relationships, rather than concerns about social acceptability and legitimacy. Groups and organizations gain power over each other by controlling valued resources.(藏私尋租?!)

對於公家單位而言,適用Institutional theory and resource dependence theory, where efficiency may not be among the most important goals.
In contrast, the theories we discuss next-human capital theory, transaction costs theory, agency theory, and resource-based theory-were developed in the context of understanding business enterprises, for which issues of efficiency are presumed to be central.

Human Capital Theory
human capital refers to the productive capabilities of people (Becker 1964). Skills, experience, and knowledge have economic value to organizations because they enable it to be productive and adaptable; thus, people constitute the organization's human capital. Like other assets, human capital has value in the market place, but unlike other assets, the potential value of human capital can be fully realized only with the cooperation of the person.

Human Capital的取得可以經由make or buy
In human capital theory, contextual factors such as market conditions, unions, business strategies, and technology are important because they can affect the costs associated with alternative approaches to using HRM to increase the value of the organization's human capital and the value of the anticipated returns, such as productivity gains.

Transaction Costs Theory 

Agency Theory
Agency theory focuses attention on the contracts between a party (i.e. the principal) who delegates work to another.

Efficient contracts align the goals of principals and agents at the lowest possible cost. Costs can arise from providing incentives and obtaining information (e.g. about the agent's behavior and/or the agent's performance outcomes).





Modes of Theorizing in Strategic Human Resource Management: Tests of Universalistic, Contingency, and Configurational Performance Predictions
Author(s): John E. Delery and D. Harold Doty
Source: The Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 39, No. 4 (Aug., 1996), pp. 802-835


Universalistic Perspective
the relationship between a given independent variable and a dependent variable is universal across the population of organizations.

1. internal career opportunities(升遷機會)
2. training systems(訓練培育)
3. Behavior-based appraisals(行為評估)
4. profit-sharing plans(利潤分享)
5. employment security(保障與信任)
6. formal grievance systems and participation in decision making(員工參與)
7. the degree to which jobs are tightly or narrowly defined(工作的發揮空間) 

Hypothesis 1:
There will be a positive relationship between financial performance and (a) the use of internal career ladders, (b) formal training systems, (c) results-oriented appraisal, (d) performance-based compensation, (e) employment security, (f) employee voice, and (g) broadly defined jobs 

Contingency Perspective
Contingency theories posit that the relationship between the relevant independent variable and the dependent variable will be different for different levels of the critical contingency variable.

Hypothesis 2:
The relationship between human resource practices and financial performance will be contingent on an organization's strategy.

Configurational Perspective
First, configurational theories draw on the holistic principle of inquiry to identify configurations, or unique patterns of factors, that are posited to be maximally effective.(人力資源的配置與組合是一種非線性的縱效)

Second, configurational theories incorporate the assumption of equifinality by positing that multiple unique configurations of the relevant factors can result in maximal performance.
Third, these configurations are assumed to be ideal types that are theoretical constructs rather than empirically observable phenomena.

Hypothesis 3:
The greater the similarity to the ideal-type employment system that is most similar to an organization's employment system, the higher the financial performance. 

Hypothesis 4:
An employment system's similarity to the one ideal-type employment system that is appropriate for an organization's strategy will be positively related to financial performance.

Sample and Measurement
Conducted in a single industry to control for between-industry differences. The banking industry was selected for several reasons

We selected an initial stratified random sample of 1,050 banks using the following procedure. First, the total population of banks was stratified into three assets categories: assets greater than $25 million and less than or equal to $100 million, assets greater than $100 million and less than or equal to $300 million, and assets greater than $300 million.  

HR practices measures.
Seven different HR practices were conceptualized and measured. (The Appendix presents the questionnaire items associated with all measures.) Internal career opportunities referred to the extent to which a bank had an internal career ladder or internal career opportunities and was measured as the mean of four 7-point Likert-type items.





Toward a Unifying Framework for Exploring Fit and Flexibility in Strategic Human Resource Management
Author(s): Patrick M. Wright and Scott A. Snell
Source: The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 23, No. 4 (Oct., 1998), pp. 756-772
Fit and FlexibilitySHRM的大哉問,這篇文章提出架構來大整合與統一

Nadler and Tushman define congruence or fit as "the degree to which the needs, demands, goals, objectives and/or structure of one component are consistent with the needs, demands, goals, objectives, and/or structure of another component" (1980:40). Inherent in most treatments of fit is the premise that organizations are more efficient and/or effective when they achieve fit relative to when a lack of fit exists.  

Sanchez defines flexibility as "a firm's abilities to respond to various demands from dynamic competitive environments" Flexibility provides organizations with the ability to modify current practices in response to non-transient changes in the environment. Weick (1979) argues that flexibility requires firms to detect changes in the environment and to retain a sufficient pool of novel actions so that these changes can be accommodated.

Internal Fit, External Flexibility


