2011年6月2日 星期四

How to Build Risk into Your Business Model

How to Build Risk into Your Business Model
SourceHarvard Business Review May 2011 page.100-105
AuthorsKaran Girotra & Serguei Netessine


So what’s the secret?
How can companies systematically innovate their business models?
How can executives identify and quantify the value of their changes?
We believe that the literature on business model innovation has overlooked a critical driver of value: where in the value chain the risks associated with creating, supplying, and consuming products and services reside. In designing their value chains, companies typically focus on three things: revenue (price, market size, and ancillary sales), cost structure (direct and indirect costs, economies of scale and scope), and resource velocity (the rate at which value is created from the applied resources, typically captured through lead times, throughput, inventory turns, and asset utilization).

Reducing Risks
Often companies that have lowered their business model risk have done so by delaying production commitments, transferring risk to other parties, or improving the quality of their information.
1.1 Delaying production commitments.
1.2 Rewriting your contracts.
LiveOps & Blockbuster為例,說明一些在合約制定上降低營運槓桿風險的技巧
1.3 Gathering better data.

Adding Risk
In the 1970s, Rolls-Royce started offering the airlines a very different service contract: “Power by the hour.” The airlines would pay Rolls-Royce for an engine’s flight hours rather than for repair time and materials. Of course, much of the risk reduction the airlines obtained was reflected in the price, but transferring the risk had a more profound effect: Rolls-Royce was motivated to improve its products and maintenance processes, because the fewer the problems and the quicker the fixes, the more the manufacturer got paid. The airlines could never have created value in this way, either on their own or by prodding Rolls-Royce, so the new contract triggered a completely new value creation dynamic.

Advantages and Challenges
You might think that such innovations aren’t a sustainable form of competitive advantage. But experience shows that they actually can be, because copying someone else’s business model innovation often involves changing processes that are embedded in the culture of an organization—and substantially changing the cultural DNA is harder than adopting a new technology or design or entering a new market.
The lesson: If you really want to steal a march on your rivals, shift some of the focus that you now put on improving your products and services to thinking about how you, your suppliers, and your customers can manage the risks of the business you conduct together.

  1. 以上觀念不過是common sense(對於知悉生產管理實務與相關理論的讀者而言)
  2. 其次以這篇文章的立論來看,大概focus在生產與營運的面向(沒看到著墨於策略等其他類型的風險)
  3. 硬把risk management 套入business innovation (把裡面的一些案例公司的成功套用這個架構來解釋,過分簡化)
  4. 感覺風險管理的好壞只是,而非企業創新的;換言之,這篇文章的邏輯犯了倒果為因的毛病
  5. 這樣唬濫談觀念,就可以刊登在HBR上,那或許我也可以用太極陰陽相生相剋的梗,闡述企業風險管理的成敗因素投稿了。
